Vocal Health and Commonly Prescribed Medications & Effects on Voice
Vocal Health "DIY"
National Center for Voice and Speech - List of 200 Common Medications
Learn to Read Music Tools A Music "Crash Course"
Ear Training Help (Chords and Intervals)
BC Choral Association - Join a Choir
Vocal Exams for High School Credits
Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto Examinations www.rcmusic.com/learning
Singing and Anatomy
Journey of the Voice (York U)
Anatomy of Larynx - Columbia University website
Video Stroboscopy of 4 Singers, while singing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtbnZnwpQAweeblylink_new_window
3-D Image of the Diaphragm and it's range of movement:
MRI of Voices in Action:
Beat-boxer vs. the Diva
http://www.choralnet.org/view/258321 (Perhaps not elite level performers, but very interesting none-the-less)
Sheet Music Websites
IMSLP & Petrucci Music Library
Short list of some Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM), Musical Theatre, or Jazz College Programs
CCM Institute at Shenandoah University
Humber College
Capilano University
Grant McEwan University
Canadian College of Performing Arts
Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts
Books/Reference Material
Full Voice - Sight Singing and Music Theory for Singers - M. Loney, M. Adams
What Every Singer Needs to Know about the Body - M. Malde, M.J Allen, K.A Zeller
Vocalizing with Ease - Linda Rammage, PhD.
Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself. - Chinese Proverb